Manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment Dryers Since 1989

How a Fire Gear Drying Rack Can Help You Save Time & Money While Maintaining Your Health

For first responders in an unsafe situation, the gear you wear is your first line of defense, and a fire gear drying rack will keep your suit clean and wearable. Whether you’re on your way to a house fire or to assist in the containment of an environmental hazard, the integrity of your equipment is critical to your health and safety. As a result, Williams Direct Dryers has created fire gear drying racks that radically decrease carcinogen exposure. Our solutions are so effective that they help eliminate 99.95 percent of germs and fungi when used as directed. That means less time spent recuperating and more time spent on the job.

There are several reasons to invest in Williams Direct Dryers for your fire station:

  • Antimicrobial finish available
  • Stainless hardware
  • NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) compatible
  • 24-hour wall timer for automatic shut-off

Thanks to their high efficiency, Williams Direct Dryers enable your fire department to effectively dry their equipment in as little as two hours or less, even in humid conditions. With the flip of a switch, the user can choose between ambient air and warmed air, making this possible thanks to our revolutionary non-tumble drying system. In order to dry your equipment, our fire gear dryers direct a concentrated blast of air at it, focusing on the most difficult-to-reach parts of the equipment first. 

Air travels evenly through garments, promoting natural drying while causing no damage to the fabric or stitching in the process. Our dryers are so effective that they may be used to dry a wide range of personal protective equipment, including turnout gear, hazmat suits, SCBA masks, boots, and gloves, among other things. Williams Direct Dryers can handle any job, no matter how large or small it may be.

Our dryers can help you get the most out of your equipment by extending its life. The drying procedures we utilize are mild, which helps to keep your equipment’s thermal stability intact. While our dryers are not as rough on your equipment’s seams as a rotary dryer would be, they are incredibly effective. Our products have been credited with extending the service life of bunker equipment. Not only does this result in safer equipment overall, but it also results in cost savings for fire departments.

Contact Us for More Information

Williams Direct Dryers is your trusted partner in the repair and protection of your equipment. You can choose from over 50 various models of turnout and fire gear dryers that we produce, allowing you to find the size and design that best suits your needs. Furthermore, we can fulfill specific demands, such as designing dryers exclusively for you and your crew. Would you like to learn more about our products? Please contact us right away!


Client Testimonials

Read what customers have been saying about our products

Scott Schneider, Fire Chief/EFO

Two Rivers FD (WI)

I can certainly say we are very pleased with our four-station gear dryer. After a number of fires, we have had and the ongoing training, the use of our washer and then the gear dryer dramatically improves the drying time. We could rotate multiple sets through in the duration of a day which improved operational ...

Tommy McKenzie, Fire Chief

Lovell VFD (ME)

Our PS4/R8 is really great. We like the fast drying time. In our cold weather climate, this dryer delivers. No more wet gloves boots and turnouts.

Kenny Mills, Chief

Culpepper FD (VA)

Great Dryer! Great Price! Great Service! Thank you, Williams!

Ken Freiburger, Chief

Walkerton Fire Dpt, ON

This unit is doing a fantastic drying job. The gear feels like it was naturally dried which leaves it soft and plyable. After our washing and drying you would think the gear was new right out of the bag.

Jim McCann, Chief

East Windsor VFD (NJ)

Our PS4/R8 is in use a lot. We wash our gear more and our firefighters are prepared and safe.