Manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment Dryers Since 1989

Why You Should NOT Use a PVC Pipe Fire Gear Dryer

For firefighters, having dry gear is a must; however, owning and operating a PVC pipe fire gear dryer is nowhere near as beneficial or effective as owning a durable fire gear dryer from Williams Direct Dryers. Our high-quality dryers can help ensure that all of your turnout gear, from boots, and gloves to helmets and jackets, are dry and ready for use whenever you need them. Unlike dryers made from PVC pipes, our metal welded fire gear dryers are built to last and provide much more efficient drying power. Moreover, every Williams Direct Dryer is electrically certified by CSA!

The Problem with Wet or Damp PPE

Wearing dry personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for health and safety in various industries, including for firefighters. Damp and wet gear, such as suits, pants, gloves, boots, and helmets, can be more than just uncomfortable to wear; it can present the wearer with several potential threats to their overall health and safety. Wet gear can be a breeding ground for bacteria, lead to potential steam burns, and cause medical issues such as pseudomonas cellulitis. Thankfully, problems like these can be avoided by using fire gear dryers, especially time-tested turnout gear dryers from Williams Direct Dryers.  

Fire gear drying

PVC Pipe Fire Gear Dryers: Ineffective & Unsustainable 

To help address the issues that wet and damp gear can cause, some fire departments worldwide have purchased or crafted their own fire gear dryers. In many cases, these dryers are made from PVC pipes and do not have electrical safety certifications. However, PVC pipe fire gear dryers are not a viable replacement for the tough welded metal, then powder coated dryers from us at Williams Direct Dryers.

Though they may seem like a good idea initially, PVC pipe fire gear dryers are typically inefficient and undoubtedly not built to last. Many of these dryers have trouble providing the sufficient warming heat and air needed to totally and effectively dry turnout gear. Others will often provide too much heat, which can damage PPE. But, in either case, PVC pipes are always light in weight. This makes them largely ineffective in holding up to the weight of turnout gear, especially day after day. As a result, PVC pipe fire gear dryers often break and require repair, which can keep a fire department from having the PPE dryer or dryers they need to ensure safer turnout gear for every call. 

Ultimately, PVC pipe fire gear dryers are not an effective or sustainable solution for providing first responders with safer, dry PPE. Fortunately, Williams Direct Dryers are a truly engineered, certified solution for your drying needs. 

Fire Gear Dryers from Williams Direct Dryers: Effective & Durable 

At Williams Direct Dryers, we specialize in manufacturing durable, energy-efficient PPE and turnout gear dryers that provide a real solution to the problem of wet gear. Unlike PVC pipe fire gear dryers, dryers are engineered and optimized for efficiency and long-term use. Our fire gear dryers are made from welded steel and powder-coated to not only ensure that they hold up for years to come but remain resistant to stains. They are also developed to provide warming heat and air – rather than higher temperatures. This helps ensure that all of your turnout gear, including your gloves and helmets, will not be damaged by our dryers, which are NFPA compliant. It also helps ensure your gear is safer for use, which helps keep essential firefighters and first responders safer and healthier.  

When it comes to drying fire gear, at Williams Direct Dryers, we provide four different types of dryers to help meet your firehouse’s drying needs, including:

All of our dryers are hand-built and made from quality materials. As such, they can provide your fire department with the drying power you need for years to come. If anything does go wrong, our dryers come with a five-year warranty against defects in the materials and workmanship, in addition to a two-year warranty on all of the electrical components.  

Learn More About Our Gear Dryers Today!

Don’t entrust your firefighters’ health and safety to PVC pipe fire gear dryers; instead, utilize durable, optimized fire gear dryers from Williams Direct Dryers! In doing so, you can have greater assurance that your gear will be dried safely and effectively, which helps keep your firefighters safer and healthier. Contact us at Williams Direct Dryers today to learn more or receive a quote on our time-tested, energy-efficient fire gear dryers!


Client Testimonials

Read what customers have been saying about our products

Frank Babinec, Chief

Coral Springs Fire Rescue (FL)

Better than expected performance. This dryer beats every other dryer on the market. Hands down! Great product, great service.

James Curry, Deputy Chief, Logistics.

Sandy Springs Fire Rescue (GA)

Safety is #1 concern. These dryers deliver a key component to our long-term safety goals of reducing injuries and exposure to carcinogens.

Dan Hoff, Chief

York Area United Fire Rescue (PA)

Our dryers all work beyond expectations. Wet is dry in no time. We wash our gear more often and the service from Williams and Jon Kugler has been great.

Al Hird, Captain

Calgary Fire Dpt, AB

I have used the gear dryer on several occasions for gear that is just “wet” to stuff that is really soaked. The best results come when the liner and shell are separated, of course; otherwise it takes about 4-6 hours for really soaked gear and less for “wet”. Boots and gloves take a lot less. ...

Richard Oakes, Chief of Department

Vinton FD (VA)

The drying time and safety you have given us is perfect. No doubt we made the right choice in purchasing your dryer.