Manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment Dryers Since 1989

Frequently Asked Questions

firefighters in full ppe

Learn More about our Direct Dryers and Protecting Your Gear

Why is wet gear a health and safety issue?

Wet turnout gear under certain conditions can result in injury due to steam burns. Wet cold-water rescue suits can be the source of bloodborne infections. Wet boots can be the source of serious medical problems such as Pseudomonas Cellulitis.

Why do your machines use warmed air?

Warm air holds more water vapor than cold, so the rate of drying is enhanced. Machines can operate in cooler conditions and still maintain performance. When a fabric feels dry to the touch water molecules are hygroscopically bonded to the microscopic fibers. Average room temperature air does not provide enough energy to effectively break this bond between water and fiber within a reasonable length of time.

What causes that “locker room” smell?

Microbes thrive in warm, dark and damp conditions. PPE provides an ideal environment for the growth of fungi and other bacteria on the skin. Human odor is caused by naturally produced pheromones. The obnoxious odor associated with locker rooms is caused by an excess accumulation of microbes. Keeping PPE dry will limit this condition.

Why do my feet get cold when they are wet?

As the moisture content in a boot increases, the ability to transfer moisture from the foot to the outside layers of the sock decrease. Consequently at skin level the balance of humidity and heat is disrupted. Material in contact with the skin will cool and your feet will feel “clammy”.

If warm is good wouldn’t hot air be better?

Some PPE elements are manufactured with fabrics that could be damaged by too much heat. Our machines will not create this condition. Also, when you put your foot into a hot boot, it will immediately begin to sweat(see “Why are my feet cold?”). Hot air dryers usually require specialty 240V service wiring.

PPedryers first responder

Client Testimonials

Read what customers have been saying about our products

Mike LaPlante, Assistant Chief

Farmingdale VFD (ME)

The PS2 fits our needs quite well. Thank you!

Dave Schmidt, Acting Chief & Rich Carter, Captain

Elgin FD (IL)

Best. Dryer. Ever! We could not more pleased with the service, price and effectiveness of the Williams Dryers. Jon Kugler is knowledgeable, energetic and willing to go the extra mile to make sure we were well taken care of before, during and after the purchase.

Ken Freiburger, Chief

Walkerton Fire Dpt, ON

This unit is doing a fantastic drying job. The gear feels like it was naturally dried which leaves it soft and plyable. After our washing and drying you would think the gear was new right out of the bag.

Peter Hullings, Technician

Troy FD (MI)

The PS 2 dryer fits our stations and needs very well. It is well liked with our firefighters drying our gear quickly.

Dan Burkett, Chief

South Newton Twp. Vol. Fire Dept. (PA)

Dollar for dollar the best dryer on the market. We looked at many gear dryers and our PS4 delivers every bit of the quality and timeliness that we expect.